Saturday, March 6, 2010

In Memoriam

Today I dedicate the inaugural entry of this blog—this epistle of random thoughts, partially-digested experiences and muted impressions—to the memory of my twin brother Petey: Petey who was far more gifted a writer and diarist than I will ever be; Petey who took part of me with him when he so mysteriously departed this earth Aug 1, 2006.

As an erst-while reporter and current hack, one can't but feel at something of a loss when confronted with the reality of sending the written word—unmediated by editors and unhinged to the often dreary enterprise of simply paying the bills—out into Cyberia to be gazed upon by strange critical eyes. Peter was the artist and I am the journeyman; Peter went deep and I went wide; Peter's soul traversed strange aetherial realms while mine remains firmly entrenched in this body, on this earth.

So Petey, this one's for you.

Bless you and bless this. I'm counting on you.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know Petey, but I do know you and you are no hack, Ms. Pat. You go both deep and wide.

    - david wheeler
